NKN Logo

Rank #714

$ 0.04535674 +2.50%

NKN Price (NKN)

NKN to USD Price Chart

NKN Statistics

Market Rank #714
Market Cap $ 35.6M
Volume 24h $ 6.9M
Circ. Supply 785.3M
Total Supply 785.4M
Max Supply 1000.0M

What is the current price of NKN?

The price of NKN currently stands at $ 0.04535674. In the past 24 hours, NKN has experienced a +2.50% change and its price has increased.

What Does NKN Stand For?

NKN stands for New Kind of Network. It is a public blockchain-powered project that aims to reconstruct the Internet's infrastructure, creating a decentralized and shared network for efficient data transmission. NKN is building the world's largest blockchain for network sharing.

Who Created NKN?

NKN was launched by a team of experienced blockchain and network engineers who were passionate about redesigning the structure of the Internet. By aiming to create a more open, decentralized, and shared version of the Internet, they developed NKN. Make sure to visit their official website to get more insights about the team and their philosophy.

How does NKN work?

NKN takes an innovative approach to build a network that is owned by the community. By allowing users to share and sell their unused Internet bandwidth, NKN powers a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that promises higher efficiency, security, and affordability.

The efficiency of data transmission is achieved through NKN's unique Proof of Relay consensus where every participant acts as both consumer and contributor of resources. This innovative approach ensures the sustainability and scalability of the network.

What Makes NKN Unique?

NKN stands out in the blockchain industry with its distinctive motive of network restructuring. Unlike other blockchain projects that revolve around financial transactions, its ambition is to reconstruct the Internet into a decentralized and shared ecosystem.

NKN's decentralized data transmission network and its unique Proof of Relay consensus algorithm combine blockchain and telecommunication technologies to create a network where participants share resources and data without centralized intermediaries. This approach fosters a decentralized Internet that aims to be more robust, private, and equitable.

How much NKN is currently in circulation?

The current circulating supply of NKN is 785.3M.

How Is the NKN Network Secured?

NKN network's security is ensured through multiple layers of protection including its consensus algorithm, cryptographic processes, and security protocols. The Proof of Relay Consensus algorithm ensures only the nodes that have contributed to the network data transmission are rewarded, making malicious actions unprofitable. Moreover, strong cryptographic processes and security protocols are integrated throughout the NKN network to protect user data and network integrity.

Where Can I Purchase NKN Tokens?

NKN tokens can be purchased on CoinEx, DigiFinex, Gate.io, Coinbase Pro, KuCoin. These platforms provide a secure environment for buying, selling, and trading NKN tokens.

What Network Infrastructure is built by NKN?

NKN is building the world's largest blockchain network for network sharing. This ambitious project promises significant improvements in the efficiency and security of data transmission. NKN aims to transform the centralized structure of the Internet into a shared, decentralized ecosystem by combining blockchain and telecommunication technologies. This new kind of network promises greater participation, ownership, and potential rewards for everyone involved in the ecosystem.

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