The current price of RedChillies (REDC) today is $ 0.08967400.
RedChillies (REDC) is a digital currency or cryptocurrency, just like Bitcoin or Ethereum. It operates on blockchain technology, which allows people to send, receive and store REDC safely and securely. All transactions are recorded and stored in a decentralized manner, ensuring the security and transparency of the process.
In the recent 24-hour trading period, the price of RedChillies (REDC) has increased by +0.00%.
Although detailed specifics aren't stated, RedChillies, like every other cryptocurrency, has its unique mechanisms and functions that set it apart in the cryptocurrency world. Information regarding its unique traits can often be found on the official RedChillies website.
Currently, the circulating supply of RedChillies (REDC) is 0.3M.
The current market capitalization of RedChillies (REDC) is $ 30.6K. This means it's the #3533 ranked cryptocurrency in terms of total market cap.
The best places to purchase RedChillies (REDC) are the exchanges that currently list it. The list of these exchanges is .
Your RedChillies (REDC) can be safely stored on a range of digital wallet options depending on your needs and preferences. These could range from hardware wallets for long-term storage to software wallets for daily use and transactions. Always ensure to prioritise security and backup features when choosing your wallet.
The 24-hour trading volume of RedChillies (REDC) is 18.4.
Please note that the information might change according to the latest data available on our website. Always check our website for the most current, up-to-date information.
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