Market Rank | #5133 |
Market Cap | $ 0.7M |
Volume 24h | $ 548.7 |
Circ. Supply | 62.0M |
Total Supply | 100.0M |
Max Supply | 100.0M |
The current price of Phuture (PHTR) is $ 0.01110579. Please keep in mind that cryptocurrency prices are subject to rapid changes, and the exact rate will depend on the current market conditions and your chosen exchange platform.
Phuture (PHTR) is a decentralized cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum. It operates on a blockchain network, which is a secure, distributed ledger that keeps track of every transaction made with PHTR. The exact features and functionality of PHTR will depend on its design and implementation, which can vary based on the developers' objectives and the specific blockchain technology used.
The current circulating supply of Phuture (PHTR) is 62.0M. It's important to note that this number could change as more coins are mined or introduced into the supply, or as coins are lost or destroyed.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Phuture (PHTR) has decreased by -9.35%. Please remember that cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly, and the precise rate will depend on the current market conditions and your chosen exchange platform.
Phuture (PHTR) can be purchased safely on the that it is currently listed on. As with all cryptocurrency transactions, be sure to prioritize security measures such as using a secure connection, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping your cryptocurrency in a secure wallet rather than leaving it on the exchange.
Once you've purchased Phuture (PHTR), the best practice is to transfer your holdings into a secure wallet, which you control, rather than leaving it in your exchange account. Wallet options include hardware wallets, which store your coin's private keys on a physical device, or software wallets, which are apps that secure your coins on your computer or smartphone.
Choosing a wallet that fits your needs will depend on your security needs, convenience, and how often you plan on accessing your Phuture (PHTR). Always make sure your wallet is encrypted and backed up to protect against loss or theft.
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