The current price of NobleCoin (NOBL) is $ 0.00002260. Within the last 24 hours, its value has increased by +0.00%. Keep in mind these figures change rapidly and fluctuate due to market dynamics.
NobleCoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that operates on an open-source basis. Its core philosophy is centered on philanthropy, transparency, and the broader movement of cryptocurrencies. NobleCoin also aims to make notable strides in eCommerce and education related to digital currency.
The information about the creators of NobleCoin is not explicitly available. However. it is known to be developed and maintained by a diverse team of developers, who believe in the spirit of transparency and philanthropy.
NobleCoin works on the similar foundations of most cryptocurrencies. It's a peer-to-peer network that enables users to perform transactions without any central authority or middle-tier banking systems. The transactions are recorded on a public ledger, also known as a blockchain. Key to this is that every transaction is transparent, aiming to breed trust within the NobleCoin community.
NobleCoin distinguishes itself from other cryptocurrencies by its emphasis on charity, education and eCommerce. While its fundamental technology is similar to many other digital currencies, its ethos towards philanthropic and charitable goals sets it apart. These values are integrated into its operation, making it not just a medium of exchange, but a platform for philanthropy.
Like many other cryptocurrencies, NobleCoin employs cryptographic protocols to secure transactions and control the creation of new coins. This process involves complex mathematical problems that network participants solve as a validation method for transactions. This ensures the integrity and security of the network.
The current circulating supply of NobleCoin (NOBL) is 2.4B. It's essential to note that the total supply of NobleCoin is . Further coins are being released into circulation on an ongoing basis based on the rules of its underlying protocol.
NobleCoin is strongly focused on promoting philanthropy and charitable causes. The exact mechanisms are not detailed, but it potentially applies the principle of blockchain technology to track donations and ensure they reach intended beneficiaries. This transparent approach cultivates trust amongst donors and recipients alike.
NobleCoin (NOBL) can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges. The current available platforms include SouthXchange, Cryptopia, Nova. But it's essential to select a reputable marketplace and ensure that you have a secure wallet to store your NobleCoin.
Keeping your NobleCoins safe involves a range of security measures, including securing your wallet, using a reliable anti-virus software, and keeping your private key hidden. Transaction confirmation should be awaited before considering a payment completed. Staying educated about potential online threats is also essential in ensuring you keep your digital assets secure.
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