The current price of Themis (MIS) is $ 0.56049400. Please note that the price of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile, frequently experiencing significant fluctuations over short periods.
Themis (MIS) is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency designed to tackle the problems of fairness and justice in the digital sphere. Themis serves as a decentralized platform that helps to establish trust among different parties by introducing blockchain-enabled services such as group escrow, trading, and arbitration.
Themis was created by a team of experienced developers passionate about blockchain technology and its potential to democratize, decentralize, and bring transparency and fairness to the digital sphere. Their key motivation for developing Themis was to establish trust among participating parties in online platforms.
Themis sets itself apart from other cryptocurrencies with its specific focus on creating a fair and just dispute resolution framework. The platform's unique group escrow and arbitration services are aimed at enhancing trust, transparency, and efficiency in the digital marketplace.
The current circulating supply of Themis (MIS) is .
In the last 24 hours, Themis (MIS) has decreased by a rate of -16.15%.
You can buy Themis (MIS) safely on the following exchanges: . It's important to remember to practice safe trading habits when dealing with cryptocurrencies.
Secure storage of Themis (MIS) can be achieved using compatible cryptocurrency wallets. Owing to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, it's crucial to maintain robust security practices, like keeping private keys confidential and using hardware wallets for substantial amounts. Always ensure that the wallet you choose supports Thems.
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