The current price of OIN Finance (OIN) is $ 0.02068701.
OIN Finance (OIN) is a cryptocurrency that aims to bridge the gap between decentralized finance (DeFi) and enterprise use. It leverages blockchain technology to enable fast, secure, and transparent financial operations.
OIN Finance sets itself apart from other cryptocurrencies through its focus on facilitating enterprise integration with DeFi services. The goal of OIN Finance is not only to provide a new form of currency but also to create new financial solutions and opportunities for enterprises and individual users.
The current circulating supply of OIN Finance (OIN) is 18.0M.
Over the last 24 hours, the price of OIN Finance (OIN) has decreased by -0.95%.
OIN Finance (OIN) can be safely purchased on a number of well-known and reputable exchanges. The specific list of exchanges where it can be bought is outlined in, BitMax, Bibox.
Like other cryptocurrencies, OIN Finance can be securely stored in a digital wallet. The choice of wallet can depend on a user's specific needs and preferences. It's always recommended to use secure and trustworthy wallets for storing cryptos.
OIN Finance (OIN)'s current market cap is $ 0.4M, making it rank #3043 in terms of total market cap among all cryptocurrencies.
The 24-hour trading volume for OIN Finance (OIN) is 0.3M. This indicates the level of activity and liquidity in the OIN market.
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