The current price of N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) today is $ 12.27.
N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that utilizes blockchain technology for peer-to-peer transactions. As is common with such cryptocurrencies, N3RDZ operates independently of any central authority and provides users with a degree of financial freedom not typically available with traditional currencies.
The specific information about the creator of N3RD Finance is not provided. However, like many other similar cryptocurrencies, it can be assumed that the creator(s) of N3RD Finance were motivated by the desire to provide a decentralized, secure, and efficient method of transferring value.
As each cryptocurrency is unique, the specifics of what makes N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) different from other cryptocurrencies is dependent on various factors. These may include its underlying technology, use case, or even the community supporting it.
There is a circulating supply of 16.7K N3RD Finances (N3RDZ) currently. Its total supply is 21.0K.
The price of N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours.
You can purchase N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) safely on the following exchanges: . It's advised to always use a trusted exchange platform to ensure the safety of your transactions.
As with most cryptocurrencies, N3RD Finance (N3RDZ) can be securely stored in a range of wallets that support such tokens. It's recommended to use wallets that offer strong security measures, such as hardware wallets that isolate your private keys offline, or wallets with robust encryption and PIN codes.
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