As of today, the price of Mooncoin (MOON) is set at $ 0.00000268. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can quickly fluctuate throughout the day. It's always prudent to check the current price before making any transactions. Over the last 24 hours, MOON's price has increased by +0.00%.
Mooncoin is a decentralized digital currency that is named after the natural satellite of the Earth, the Moon. In line with the theme, the creators of Mooncoin have set the maximum supply to correlate with the average distance from the Earth to the Moon in millimeters. This means there will be one Mooncoin for every millimetre of distance — about 384.4 million kilometres, which equates to 384.4 billion Mooncoins. The project aims to establish an accessible and easy-to-use cryptocurrency. There was no premine for Mooncoin, meaning that the founders didn't reserve any amount of currency for themselves before launching it to the public.
Unfortunately, the identities of the creators of Mooncoin have not been officially disclosed to the public. Transparency about the creators and the team behind a project is often beneficial in the crypto space. However, Mooncoin still operates despite this lack of transparency.
At its heart, Mooncoin operates on the principles common to many cryptocurrencies. Every transaction made with Mooncoin is stored on a public ledger called the blockchain. This ensures all transactions are transparent and can be traced, contributing to the security and integrity of the coin. All of these transactions need to be verified by nodes (which are simply devices with a copy of the Mooncoin blockchain) and this verification process is known as mining.
What sets Mooncoin apart from most other cryptocurrencies is its astronomical maximum supply limit. As outlined earlier, there will be one Mooncoin for each millimetre between Earth and the Moon. This unusual and large maximum supply limit essentially means the cryptocurrency strives to be highly accessible and easily attainable.
Further, the lack of a premine makes Mooncoin relatively unique. The absence of a premine means that the developers did not reserve any of the coins for themselves before making it available to the public. This often instills confidence in potential users, as it shows the developers have not artificially inflated their own wealth with the coin.
For up-to-date data, as of now, Mooncoin (MOON) is ranked at #2210 in terms of market capitalization with a market cap of $ 0.6M. The current circulating supply of Mooncoin is 229.4B, out of a maximum supply of 384.4B.
Mooncoin (MOON) can be bought and sold on various cryptocurrency exchanges, but the availability can vary due to regulatory reasons. Please verify if the said cryptocurrency can be acquired on the exchange available in your country. Current exchanges where you can find Mooncoin includes Nova. Always exercise caution when purchasing cryptocurrencies and ensure you're using a reputable exchange.
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