The current market price of DAOventures (DVD) today is $ 0.01591949.
DAOventures (DVD) is a cryptocurrency that provides decentralized financial (DeFi) services. It utilizes the principles of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to facilitate seamless and efficient transactions within a decentralized network.
The specific individuals who created DAOventures (DVD) are not provided. However, it is generally known that the motivation behind its creation was to advocate for and enable decentralized finance. This is achieved by creating a platform that allows users to interact directly within a transparent and efficient blockchain network.
DAOventures (DVD) distinguishes itself from other cryptocurrencies through its integration with decentralized finance services. It exemplifies the innovative ways that blockchain technology can be leveraged in finance, hence enhancing transaction speed, efficiency, and security.
Currently, there are 9.5M DVD tokens in circulation.
In the last 24 hours, the price of DAOventures has increased by +0.00%.
You can safely purchase DAOventures (DVD) from the following exchanges: .
Storing DAOventures (DVD) securely involves protecting your private keys and ensuring the safety of your digital wallet. It is guaranteed that if the keys are lost, they cannot be recovered, and access to DVD coins will be lost. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure wallet security when handling DAOventures or any other cryptocurrencies.
DAOventures currently has a market cap of $ 0.2M, which places it at rank #2992 in the global cryptocurrency market.
DAOventures has seen a 24-hour trading volume of 16.8. This represents the total amount of DVD traded in the last 24 hours on all exchanges where it is listed.
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