As of the latest available data, the price of 3X Short VeChain (VETBEAR) is $ 0.00000165. It's important to note that leveraged tokens like VETBEAR are very volatile. The increased in price of VETBEAR over the last 24 hours is +0.00%.
3X Short VeChain (VETBEAR) is a type of leveraged token specifically designed to provide inverse exposure to the daily performance of VeChain (VET). For every 1% daily decrease in the price of VeChain, the value of VETBEAR aims to increase by 3%, and vice versa.
Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, VETBEAR is structured as a short or inverse product that provides the opposite return of an index or a cryptocurrency. It achieves the 3x leverage by trading futures, swaps, and other derivative contracts. As the price of VeChain goes down, VETBEAR increases in value by approximately three times the rate of that movement and decreases in the inverse scenario.
The uniqueness of 3X Short VeChain arises from its leverage and inverse relationship with the performance of VeChain. It is intended for short-term trading, primarily for advanced traders who wish to hedge against the price movements of VeChain or speculate on its price declines.
Since 3X Short VeChain is a leveraged token and not a conventional cryptocurrency, its security doesn't depend on a blockchain network. The security of these financial instruments is typically upheld by the platform offering them, which may involve regular audits and compliance with relevant regulations.
The circulating supply of 3X Short VeChain (VETBEAR) can vary significantly since it may be minted or redeemed to match demand and the fund's size. The exact circulating supply is .
Trading leveraged tokens like 3X Short VeChain comes with high risks due to their inherent volatility and the complexities of dealing with leveraged and inverse products. They are susceptible to significant fluctuations and may not be suitable for long-term holding.
You can trade 3X Short VeChain (VETBEAR) on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges. The current platforms offering VETBEAR are . Always make sure you are using reputable platforms to minimise risk.
To keep your VETBEAR holdings safe, ensure that you use secure and reputable trading platforms. Additionally, if you hold these tokens off-exchange, use reliable wallets, follow best security practices, and understand the risks involved in trading leveraged products.
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