Aave ENJ v1 Logo
Aave ENJ v1 AENJ

Rank ?

$ 0.11101300 -19.22%

Aave ENJ v1 Price (AENJ)

Aave ENJ v1 to USD Price Chart

Aave ENJ v1 Statistics

Market Rank ?
Market Cap ?
Volume 24h ?
Circ. Supply ?
Total Supply 60.4K
Max Supply ?

What Is the Current Price of Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) Today?

The current price of Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) is $ 0.11101300.

What Is Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) and How Does It Work?

Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) is a cryptocurrency token that operates on the Ethereum platform. It is part of the Aave protocol, a decentralized platform that allows users to lend, borrow and earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings.

What Is the Market Cap and Trading Volume of Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ)?

As per current data, Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) ranks #1 in the global cryptocurrency market with a market capitalization of $ . The 24-hour trading volume of AENJ is .

How Has Aave ENJ v1's Price Changed Recently?

In the last 24 hours, the price of Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) has decreased by -19.22%.

How Many Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) Tokens Are in Circulation?

At present, the circulating supply for Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) is tokens, out of a total supply of 60.4K.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) Safely?

As of now, the main exchanges to buy Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) safely are .

How Can I Securely Store My Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ)?

Your Aave ENJ v1 (AENJ) tokens can be securely stored in a wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, since AENJ operates on the Ethereum platform. Make sure to keep your private keys secure and do not share them with anyone to maintain the safety of your tokens.

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