The current price of Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) is $ 4.30 as observed on our cryptocurrency tracking website.
Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) is a unique kind of cryptocurrency that provides a standardized and straightforward way for people to trade their valuable Moon Cat assets on any Ethereum- based decentralized exchange. The shouldering of Gas fees during transfers and the ability to be stored in any ERC-20 compatible wallet are some of its key features.
Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) combines the fun and engagement of virtual pet ownership with a tradable, liquid crypto asset. It is based upon the value of MoonCats, a collectible virtual pet project on the Ethereum blockchain.
Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) currently has a market cap of $ , ranking it at number #1 in the global cryptocurrency market.
Recently, the price of Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) has increased by +0.00%. It's crucial to note that cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile, and they fluctuate regularly.
The trading volume of Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) in the last 24 hours is 101.4. Trading volume can give investors a sense of the market activity and liquidity of a particular cryptocurrency.
The current circulating supply of Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) is , while the total supply is .
The safest place to purchase Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20) is on the list of provided on our cryptocurrency tracking website. These are legitimate, reputable exchanges which have been tested extensively for security and functionality.
For the secure storage of Wrapped Moon Cats (MCAT20), we recommend using a hardware wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. These wallets provide secure, offline storage for your virtual assets and reduce the risk of theft or loss.
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