Unicly CryptoPunks Collection UPUNK

Rank #1075

$ 0.03061717

Unicly CryptoPunks Collection Price (UPUNK)

Unicly CryptoPunks Collection to USD Price Chart

What Is the Current Price of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) Today?

The current price of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) cryptocurrency is $ 0.03061717.

What Is Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) and How Does It Work?

Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) is a cryptocurrency that allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets inspired by the original CryptoPunks. The UPUNK cryptocurrency represents fractional ownership in a curated collection of these digital assets.

Who Created Unicly CryptoPunks Collection and What Was Their Motivation?

The UPUNK cryptocurrency is the electronic currency of the Unicly platform, a project designed to allow users to merge, trade, and fractionize NFT collections. This particular collection of CryptoPunks was created by the broader community and curated through a series of smart contracts.

What Makes Unicly CryptoPunks Collection Different from Other Cryptocurrencies?

Unicly CryptoPunks Collection is distinct as it represents fractional ownership in a curated collection of CryptoPunks NFTs, rather than being a standalone currency. This allows broader participation in NFT ownership and trading, and provides a unique intersection of DeFi and NFTs.

How Has Unicly CryptoPunks Collection's Price Changed Recently?

Over the last 24 hours, the price of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) has increased by +0.00%.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) Safely?

Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) cryptocurrency can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: .

How Can I Securely Store My Unicly CryptoPunks Collection?

To securely store your UPUNK cryptocurrency, you can use any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens, as UPUNK is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. When not trading or using your UPUNK, it's generally safest to store your tokens in a hardware wallet.

How Many Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) Are Currently in Circulation?

Currently, there are 250.0M UPUNK tokens in circulation.

What Is the Market Capitalization of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK)?

The market capitalization of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) is $ 7.7M, which makes it the #1076 largest cryptocurrency.

What Is the 24-hour Trading Volume of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK)?

The 24-hour trading volume of Unicly CryptoPunks Collection (UPUNK) is 144.5.

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