DaTa eXchange DTX Logo
DaTa eXchange DTX DTX

Rank #3618

$ 0.00335579 -9.49%

DaTa eXchange DTX Price (DTX)

DaTa eXchange DTX to USD Price Chart

DaTa eXchange DTX Statistics

Market Rank #3618
Market Cap $ 0.8M
Volume 24h $ 1.4K
Circ. Supply 225.0M
Total Supply 225.0M
Max Supply ?
Genesis Date 18/3/2018

Did the price of DaTa eXchange DTX increase today?

As per the latest data, the price of DaTa eXchange DTX has decreased today and currently stands at $ 0.00335579.

What is DaTa eXchange (DTX)?

DaTa eXchange (DTX) is a decentralized marketplace specifically designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data. The marketplace leverages the transparency and security of blockchain technology to enable sensor owners to convert their generated data into a sustainable source of revenue. This innovative concept opens up a wealth of opportunities across various industries, by enhancing the effectiveness and usability of data.

Who created DaTa eXchange?

The team behind DaTa eXchange doesn't seem to be public, as they haven't publicly announced their founding team on their website or on any public channels. It's always prudent to exercise a degree of caution and due diligence when dealing with projects that choose to keep their team information private.

How does DaTa eXchange work?

At its core, DaTa eXchange operates as a global marketplace for IoT sensor data. Sensor owners register their devices on the blockchain and sell the data they generate. Buyers, on the other hand, can purchase authoritative, reliable, and accurate IoT data from this marketplace. Transactions on the exchange utilize DTX, the native currency of the DataBroker DAO platform. This whole process is powered by blockchain technology, enabling a degree of transparency and fairness in the data trade that wasn't previously achievable in traditional systems.

What makes DaTa eXchange unique?

DaTa eXchange's uniqueness lies in its mission to turn IoT sensor data into a tradable commodity. The platform enables sensor owners to sell the data they generate to willing buyers - effectively creating a whole new "Data Economy". Additionally, the use of blockchain technology ensures transactional transparency, adding extra trust and reliability to the data being traded.

What is the role of blockchain in DaTa eXchange?

In the context of DaTa eXchange, blockchain technology is an essential component. It provides a secure and transparent environment for transactions to take place. Blockchain ensures that the data generated by sensor owners is reliable and verifiable, removing concerns about the authenticity and accuracy of the data. Additionally, by utilizing blockchain, DaTa eXchange can maintain transparency in transactions, promoting trust among its users.

How much DaTa eXchange (DTX) is available in the market?

As of now, there are 225.0M DTX in circulation. The total supply is limited to 225.0M DTX.

What is the market capitalization of DaTa eXchange DTX?

The market capitalization of DaTa eXchange DTX is $ 0.8M, ranking it at #3619 in terms of value.

Where can you buy DaTa eXchange DTX?

DaTa eXchange DTX can be purchased on the following exchanges: Probit. Always ensure to purchase from reputable exchanges and secure your DTX in a safe wallet to avoid losing your assets.

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