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OneLedger OLT

Rank #4849

$ 0.00041901 -16.74%

OneLedger Price (OLT)

OneLedger to USD Price Chart

OneLedger Statistics

Market Rank #4849
Market Cap $ 0.2M
Volume 24h $ 0.1M
Circ. Supply 434.6M
Total Supply 1000.0M
Max Supply ?

What's the current price of OneLedger (OLT)?

As of the latest update, the price of OneLedger (OLT) is $ 0.00041901.

Can you elaborate on what OneLedger (OLT) is?

OneLedger (OLT) is a revolutionary cross-ledger blockchain platform designed to enable seamless exchanges across diverse business methodologies. The core infrastructure of the platform relies on OneLedger modularization tools that allow your business application to interact synchronously with various public and private blockchains through their corresponding side chains.

Developed using advanced enterprise blockchain technology solutions, OneLedger aims to cater to a wide spectrum of business sectors which include, but aren't limited to, finance, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. This platform facilitates transactions with Bitcoin, Ethereum, HyperLedger, and several other platforms.

Who are the founders of OneLedger?

While the specific info about the founders was not provided, it can be understood that OneLedger has been brought to fruition by a team of professionals with a firm belief in the transformative potential of blockchain technology. They have directed their expertise towards creating a platform that brings forth efficient integration of different blockchain applications and that is equipped with a powerful consensus engine for legitimate transaction verification.

Can you explain how OneLedger works?

OneLedger is designed to simplify the process of building business applications with its unique modularization tools which can interact with OneLedger protocol via a unique API gateway. This feature allows for multiple public and private blockchains to interact synchronously through their corresponding side chains, each side chain being implemented within the framework of OneLedger platform.

The company utilizes a three-layer consensus protocol to enhance the efficacy of its blockchain integrations - a configurable role-based consensus protocol at the first layer that leverages hierarchical grouping reminiscent of the structure of Merkle Tree. The blockchain structure of OneLedger itself has been designed for effective synchronization and referencing between these three-layer consensus protocols.

Furthermore, OneLedger also features a highly customizable SDK and an infrastructure that prides itself on scalability and reliability.

What can you say about the reliability of the consensus protocol in OneLedger?

The unique three-layer consensus protocol of OneLedger is designed to derive efficient integration of differing blockchain applications. The first layer uses a role-based consensus protocol which can be configured as per requirements, leveraging hierarchical grouping that resembles the Merkle Tree structure. This design aids the side chain consensus protocol in offloading consensus traffic from the main public consensus chain to the side chain, thereby boosting performance and efficiency. It suggests a level of reliability as transactions are verified across multiple layers before being approved.

Can OneLedger (OLT) be purchased on any exchanges?

Yes, OneLedger (OLT) is available for purchase on several exchanges. The specific exchanges can be provided upon request. Please note, before you decide to purchase any cryptocurrency including OneLedger (OLT), ensure you are fully informed about the financial risks and responsibilities associated with the investment in digital currencies.

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