The current price of StakeHound Staked Ether (STETH) today is $ 34.19.
StakeHound Staked Ether (STETH) is a synthetic asset that represents staked Ether on the Ethereum network. It allows holders to earn rewards by contributing ETH to the network, while still being able to use their wrapped funds for various DeFi operations. This means users can earn staking rewards without having to be involved in the actual staking process.
As an asset based on the Ethereum network, StakeHound Staked Ether (STETH) inherently benefits from any technological advancements or upgrades implemented on the Ethereum network. This can include anything from scalability improvements to security enhancements.
The price of StakeHound Staked Ether (STETH) has increased by +0.00% in the past 24 hours.
StakeHound Staked Ether (STETH) can currently be purchased on the following exchanges: .
StakeHound Staked Ether, being an asset based on the Ethereum network, can be stored in any wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens. This ranges from software wallets on a computer or smartphone, to hardware wallets for increased security. Always remember to keep your private keys secure and avoid sharing them with anyone.
StakeHound Staked Ether currently ranks #1553 in terms of market capitalization, with a total market cap of $ 2.2M. The overall volume traded in the last 24 hours is .
There are currently 65.4K StakeHound Staked Ether tokens in circulation, out of a maximum possible supply of 65.4K. The remainder represents tokens yet to be staked on the Ethereum network.
StakeHound Staked Ether tokens represent Ether that has been staked on the Ethereum network. The staking process is part of Ethereum's consensus mechanism and is essential for the network's security, making STETH valuable. Furthermore, thanks to its DeFi functionality, holders can earn staking rewards while still being able to use their wrapped funds in various ways across the DeFi landscape.
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