The current price of Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) is $ 8.41 per token.
Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) operates exactly as other cryptocurrencies do. It's built on blockchain technology, which is a decentralized ledger that records all transactions made with Skull Candy Shards. Though we don't have further specific details about its individual operation or functionality from the placeholders, it operates in much the same way as any other type of cryptocurrency.
Based only on the given placeholders, it is not possible to provide a detailed discussion of what sets Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) apart from other cryptocurrencies on the market. Its unique aspects will be largely reliant on its specific features, utility, or community which aren't specified in the placeholders.
Currently, the circulating supply of Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) is 85.5K.
In the last 24 hours, Skull Candy Shards's (CANDY) price has increased by +0.00%.
The best place to buy Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) is through the where it's currently listed. These platforms are generally reputable exchanges in the cryptocurrency market.
To securely store your Skull Candy Shards (CANDY), you'll need to use a compatible wallet. Wallets can be software-based (on your computer or mobile device) or hardware-based (physical devices that store cryptocurrencies offline). It's crucial to maintain strong security practices, which often include using two-factor authentication and regularly updating software.
Skull Candy Shards (CANDY) has a market capitalization of $ 0.7M, making it the #1 ranked cryptocurrency in terms of market cap.
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