As of the latest update, the price of BarterTrade (BART) is currently $ 0.00022581.
BarterTrade (BART) has increased in the last 24 hours, with a change of +0.00%.
BarterTrade (BART) is a cryptocurrency that operates on blockchain technology. It enables secure, transparent, and decentralized transactions between parties without the need for traditional intermediaries. As is common with cryptocurrencies, BarterTrade likely leverages encryption methods to ensure the authenticity and immutability of transactions.
BarterTrade (BART) has a market capitalization of $ 25.9K, ranking it at #3500 in the cryptocurrency market.
The circulating supply of BarterTrade (BART) is currently 114.8M, and the total supply of BART tokens that will ever exist is 240.0M.
The 24-hour trading volume of BarterTrade (BART) is 254.5, indicating the level of activity and liquidity in its market.
The best place to buy BarterTrade (BART) safely is on the . It is always recommended to use reputable exchanges for cryptocurrency transactions.
To securely store your BarterTrade (BART) tokens, it's advisable to use a wallet that provides robust security features. Hardware wallets are generally recommended for their enhanced security, although there are also software wallets with strong encryption and back-up capabilities that may be suitable for smaller amounts or more frequent trading.
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