The current price of SCOneX (SCONEX) is $ 0.00139797.
SCOneX (SCONEX) is a digital cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin. Like all cryptocurrencies, it works using blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer transactions across the globe. These transactions are fully decentralized, meaning they don't require a traditional middleman like a bank or credit card company.
To define the specific features that differentiate SCOneX from other cryptocurrencies, accurate and detailed information about its unique aspects would be needed. With the data currently provided this cannot be clearly stated.
In the general cryptocurrency context, mining refers to the process where transactions are verified and added to the blockchain public ledger. The details specific to SCOneX mining and network operation are not provided.
The current circulating supply of SCOneX (SCONEX) is 5.0M.
In the past 24 hours, the price of SCOneX (SCONEX) has increased by +0.00%.
SCOneX (SCONEX) can be safely purchased on the following exchanges: Probit.
SCOneX, like any other digital cryptocurrency, can be securely stored using a wide range of crypto wallets which maintain high-security protection measures. It's advisable to use official wallets or well-known third-party wallets that have a track record of security and reliability.
The current market capitalization for SCOneX stands at $ 7.0K, making it the cryptocurrency ranked at #3923 in terms of market cap size.
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