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SakeSwap SAKE

Rank #6598

$ 0.00070319 -3.28%

SakeSwap Price (SAKE)

SakeSwap to USD Price Chart

SakeSwap Statistics

Market Rank #6598
Market Cap $ 51.8K
Volume 24h $ 116.4
Circ. Supply 73.7M
Total Supply 136.3M
Max Supply 136.3M

What Is the Current Price of SakeSwap (SAKE) Today?

As of the latest update, the current price of SakeSwap (SAKE) is $ 0.00070319.

What Is SakeSwap (SAKE) and How Does It Work?

SakeSwap (SAKE) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that operates on a blockchain network. This network allows individuals to transact directly with one another, without the need for an intermediary such as a bank or payment service. This peer-to-peer system brings about benefits like reduced fees and increased privacy.

In terms of operation, SAKE leverages advanced blockchain technology to ensure fast, secure, and efficient transactions. All transactions are encrypted and stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability.

How Many SakeSwap (SAKE) Are Currently in Circulation?

According to the latest update, the circulating supply of SakeSwap (SAKE) is 73.7M.

Has SakeSwap's (SAKE) Price Changed Recently?

Recently, the price of SakeSwap (SAKE) has decreased by -3.28%.

What Is the Total Supply of SakeSwap (SAKE)?

SakeSwap (SAKE) has a total supply of 136.3M. It's important to note that the total supply can be different from the circulating supply, as it includes all SAKE tokens ever created, even those reserved, burned, or not yet released.

What Is SakeSwap's Market Capitalization?

As of the latest update, SakeSwap (SAKE) has a market capitalization of $ 51.8K. This places SakeSwap at rank #6599 in the global cryptocurrency market ranking.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy SakeSwap (SAKE) Safely?

You can buy SakeSwap (SAKE) safely on any of the Hotbit.

What Was the Daily Trading Volume of SakeSwap (SAKE)?

The 24-hour trading volume of SakeSwap (SAKE) is 116.4, according to the latest data.

How Can I Securely Store My SakeSwap (SAKE)?

You can securely store your SakeSwap (SAKE) in a digital wallet. Wallets can be hardware-based or software-based, and they can reside on your computer, mobile device, or even a specialized USB device. It's important to ensure that your wallet is secure and to regularly back it up to prevent loss.

SakeSwap Links

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