The current price of Safegem (GEMS) is represented by $ 0.00000000.
Safegem (GEMS) is a cryptocurrency that functions on the basis of blockchain technology. In terms of its exact mechanics and utility, detailed information is not available at the moment. However, like all cryptocurrencies, Safegem employs cryptography for secure transactions and control of new unit creation.
Currently, the circulating supply of Safegem (GEMS) is . This figure represents the total quantity of GEMS that are actively available in the market.
In the past 24 hours, the price of Safegem (GEMS) has increased by +0.00%, reflecting the volatility and constant change inherent in the cryptocurrency market.
Safegem (GEMS) can be purchased on the . It is recommended to use these platforms as they provide a secure environment for buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies.
The safest way to store your Safegem (GEMS) is in a digital wallet that supports this currency. Wallets come in various forms, such as desktop, mobile, hardware, and web-based, and provide different levels of security. Always ensure to store your wallet's private keys or seed phrases in a secure location to maintain access to your cryptocurrencies.
The market capitalization of Safegem (GEMS) is currently $ , making it the #1 largest cryptocurrency in the market. This figure is derived by multiplying the current price of GEMS by its circulating supply.
The trading volume of Safegem (GEMS) in the past 24 hours is 10.7. This figure represents the total amount of GEMS traded across all exchanges during this period.
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