The current price of RougeCoin (XRGE) today is $ 0.00000043. The price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate rapidly due to their inherent volatility, so it is important to stay updated about the latest price movements.
RougeCoin (XRGE) is a digital asset developed using blockchain technology, like most cryptocurrencies. It operates on a decentralized network, where transactions are posted and verified by the participants of the network. The specifics of its blockchain infrastructure and consensus mechanism depend on its specific technical design, which is beyond the scope of this data placeholders.
The specific details about the creators of RougeCoin are not covered in the data placeholders. Generally speaking, the creators of cryptocurrencies are motivated by a desire to propose an innovative solution that uses blockchain technology, possibly to address specific financial or commercial needs, to create a decentralized currency, or to challenge conventional systems.
The specifics about what makes RougeCoin different from other cryptocurrencies are not covered in the data placeholders. These details usually lie in the unique technical or economic design of the cryptocurrency, the problem it aims to solve, or its specific use case. It is recommended to explore the official website of RougeCoin for more in-depth information.
There are RougeCoins currently in circulation. It's also important to note that the total supply of RougeCoins is 18.0B. The difference between these two figures can give you valuable insight into the supply mechanics and economic model of RougeCoin.
The RougeCoin has recently increased by +0.00%. Please note, since the prices of cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile, the change in price mentioned may have alternated since the last 24-hour period.
You can purchase RougeCoin (XRGE) on any of the following exchanges: . It is advisable to use respected and secure exchanges to ensure a safe transaction process.
RougeCoin, like other cryptocurrencies, can be securely stored in a digital wallet. Wallets can exist on your computer, a mobile device, or on a physical storage gadget. It is important to protect and regularly back up your wallet to ensure that your RougeCoins are secure.
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