Currently, the market price for PluraCoin (PLURA) stands at $ 0.00008173. The coin's value has increased over the past 24 hours by +0.00%. Its vibrant and active market sees a daily trade volume amounting to 8.9.
PluraCoin (PLURA) is a digital cryptocurrency developed based on the CryptoNote technology. The primary focus of PLURA is to incorporate cryptocurrencies into everyday life. The terminology "PluraCoin" originates from the Latin term "plura," translating to "many" in English. This name perfectly describes the project's mission- bestowing everyday individuals the ability to earn/mine PluraCoin for as many real-world applications as needed. The coin enables secure, instant, anonymous payments with almost zero costs.
As is common with many cryptocurrencies, the creators and team members of PluraCoin prefer to maintain their anonymity. While there isn't much publicly available information about the individuals behind this coin, their vision is clear from their work – to bring cryptocurrencies to not just IT professionals or computer enthusiasts, but to the everyday person.
PluraCoin operates upon a decentralized blockchain based on CryptoNote technology - a privacy-oriented protocol. It uses cryptographic technology ring signatures to ensure transaction privacy. This means PluraCoin payments are instant and near-zero cost, while also being entirely private and untraceable. No one, including the users themselves, can see your balances or transaction history, offering a degree of anonymity and privacy not always present in the world of cryptocurrency.
PluraCoin offers a few standout features that work in concert to make it unique.
High Speed: PluraCoin enables secure, flexible and scalable transactions that are nearly instant.
High Privacy: The use of cryptographic ring signatures ensures completely anonymous transactions.
Untraceable: Transactions processed on the PluraCoin blockchain cannot be linked to a specific user or a real-world identity.
Decentralised: PluraCoin is secure digital cash handled by a network of users, reinforcing decentralization.
The vision to make cryptocurrency more accessible to a vast range of individuals, beyond the typical audience of IT professionals and computer enthusiasts, sets PluraCoin apart.
Presently, there are 932.0M PluraCoins in circulation. The total supply of the coin is 1000.0M.
Since its inception in Q1 2018, PluraCoin has seen a series of developments and improvements. Initially contained basic features like GUI / CLI / offline wallets, a block explorer, an official mining pool and web miner, the coin quickly expanded its reach and got listed on the Stocks.Exchange and TradeOgre crypto exchanges.
The second quarter of the year saw further improvements, introducing new features such as a Windows / OS X miner web configurator, a light wallet and masternodes. The developers continued to enrich the PluraCoin ecosystem by launching a web wallet project named MyPLURA in Q3. The quarter also witnessed PLURA entering new markets.
By Q4 2018, the team initiated the integration of eCommerce capabilities into the PluraCoin infrastructure with cart payment plugins. It also partnered with select partners on real-world products and services, thereby offering more real-life applications for the coin.
As of now, PluraCoin (PLURA) can be purchased on the TradeOgre. Remember, it's important to do your own research before purchasing any cryptocurrency.
Yes, PluraCoin can be stored safely. Storing your cryptocurrencies correctly ensures their safety. You can choose to hold your coins on the exchange you bought them from, or transfer them to a digital wallet. It's essential to pick a wallet or exchange that has strong security features such as two-factor authentication and cold storage. Remember, being responsible for your own token's safety is part of holding cryptocurrencies. Avoid sharing sensitive information online and regularly update your wallet's security settings to ensure your funds stay safe from potential cyber threats.
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