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MimbleWimbleCoin MWC

Rank #278

$ 14.35 -9.98%

MimbleWimbleCoin Price (MWC)

MimbleWimbleCoin to USD Price Chart

MimbleWimbleCoin Statistics

Market Rank #278
Market Cap $ 157.5M
Volume 24h $ 31.3K
Circ. Supply 11.0M
Total Supply 11.0M
Max Supply 20.0M

What Is the Current Price of MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC)?

The price of MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC) currently stands at $ 14.35. Over the last 24 hours, it has decreased by -9.98%%. As is the nature of cryptocurrency markets, these prices fluctuate frequently, so it’s always a good idea to check for the most up-to-date prices.

What Is MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC)?

MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC) is a cryptocurrency that utilizes the Mimblewimble protocol in its base layer to enhance privacy and scalability. The main characteristics of Mimblewimble are its ability to provide both confidentiality and compact blockchain size. MWC aims to offer all the fundamental advantages of privacy coins while also maintaining a lightweight blockchain for improved performance and accessibility.

Who Created MimbleWimbleCoin?

MimbleWimbleCoin is built upon the foundations laid by the pseudonymous Tom Elvis Jedusor who proposed the Mimblewimble protocol in 2016. The actual developers of MWC took this protocol and implemented it into a full-fledged cryptocurrency. The details on the team behind MimbleWimbleCoin are not as widely known as some other cryptocurrencies, sticking to the pseudonymous nature of many digital currency projects.

How Does MimbleWimbleCoin Work?

MimbleWimbleCoin operates on a blockchain that leverages the Mimblewimble protocol, which is unique for its way of handling transactions. Unlike typical blockchains, Mimblewimble allows for the combining of transactions to eliminate excess data, significantly reducing the blockchain size and increasing privacy. This is achieved without compromising security, as transactions are still verified and the network maintains integrity.

Transaction inputs and outputs are encrypted using Confidential Transactions, which means the values transferred are obscured yet verifiable to ensure no new coins are created out of thin air. The protocol also uses CoinJoin, a method for combining multiple payments into a single transaction to further improve privacy.

What Makes MimbleWimbleCoin Unique?

The unique selling point of MimbleWimbleCoin is its strong focus on privacy and efficiency. By applying the Mimblewimble protocol at the core layer, MWC claims to maintain a blockchain that's significantly smaller and more private than those of many other cryptocurrencies. The combination of confidentiality, scalability, and a reduced blockchain footprint makes it a notable player among privacy-focused digital assets.

What Is the Circulating Supply of MimbleWimbleCoin?

The current circulating supply of MimbleWimbleCoin is 11.0M, and its maximum supply is scheduled to be 11.0M. These figures are important in understanding the scarcity and inflationary aspects of the coin.

How Is the MimbleWimbleCoin Network Secured?

MimbleWimbleCoin uses a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm, similar to Bitcoin, for security and mining purposes. This means that miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and create new blocks. The use of PoW contributes to the robust security model that protects the network from malicious actors and ensures the immutability of the blockchain.

Where Can You Buy MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC)?

MimbleWimbleCoin (MWC) can be purchased on several cryptocurrency exchanges. The specific TradeOgre, Bitforex, Hotbit where MWC is currently available for trading often vary, and it's best to search for the most reliable and efficient platforms carrying the cryptocurrency. Always ensure that you're using reputable exchanges to engage in trading or purchasing digital assets like MWC.

How to Keep Your MimbleWimbleCoin Safe?

Keeping your MimbleWimbleCoin safe involves selecting a secure wallet that supports the MWC cryptocurrency. You should ensure the wallet you choose maintains high-security standards, including strong encryption and key-management practices. Hardware wallets are often recommended for the greatest security, but other types of wallets, if well-reviewed and from trusted developers, can also provide good security for your MWC holdings. Remember to regularly back up your wallet and keep your private keys confidential.

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