The current price of MELX is $ 0.00107971. Please note that cryptocurrency prices fluctuate frequently, and the value could have changed slightly since this information was last updated.
MELX is a digital asset traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges. As with other cryptocurrencies, MELX operates on blockchain technology which provides a decentralized and secure network for transactions. MELX tokens can be bought, sold, and traded on the Bibox where they are listed.
The price of MELX has increased by +0.00% over the last 24 hours. This percentage change was determined based on the most recent market data.
The circulating supply of MELX is 43.1M. The total supply is 120.0M.
MELX can be purchased safely on the Bibox. These exchanges have been vetted for security and reliability in the cryptocurrency market.
The market capitalization of MELX is $ 46.5K making it the #3902 ranked cryptocurrency at present. This rank is determined by the total market value of all MELX tokens in circulation currently.
To store your MELX securely, it is recommended to use a digital wallet that supports the cryptocurrency. An official wallet, developed by the founders of MELX, is one possible secure storage option. Other recommended wallets may include hardware wallets and other software based wallets with a strong reputation for security. Always ensure that your chosen wallet is compatible with MELX before attempting to store your tokens.
The 24 hour trading volume of MELX is 338.6. This figure represents the total number of MELX tokens bought and sold across all exchanges during the last 24 hours.
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