As of our latest update, the price of Masternet (MASH) is currently $ 0.00108634. This represents a +0.00% change in the last 24 hours.
Masternet (MASH) is a unique cryptocurrency used within the Akasic network. The Akasic network is a global system designed to promote mass-adoption of the blockchain and to integrate its transformative potential into everyday life.
Masternet (MASH) was introduced as part of the Akasic Global project. Specific information about the founders and the development team is not publicly disclosed on their official website. It is always encouraged to do further research and read up on any statements on the team's experience and background within the cryptocurrency community.
Masternet (MASH) operates within the Akasic Network as a utility token. This network aims to create a comprehensive ecosystem, offering various benefits to its users. In particular, the Akasic network focuses on providing an interactive user interface, simplicity in crypto transactions, and the potential to earn additional income as part of a Masternet community.
The uniqueness of Masternet lies in its integration with the Akasic Network, where it serves as an essential utility token. This network provides several cryptocurrency features and services, including a multi-asset wallet, a social trading platform, lending services, and an exchange. Masternet (MASH) plays an integral role within this network, creating an ecosystem that encourages wider use of cryptocurrency by simplifying complex transactions and creating earning opportunities.
Masternet (MASH)'s circulating supply information is regularly updated and currently stands at 154.7M. Conversely, the total supply of MASH tokens is 200.0M.
Mashernet (MASH) holds the market cap rank of #1, with a market capitalization of $ 0.2M. The 24-hour trading volume is 0.0.
Masternet (MASH) can be purchased from several cryptocurrency exchanges, with the latest list provided being Livecoin. Please remember that cryptocurrency investments carry inherent risks and before investing it's important to thoroughly research the market and consider any potential pitfalls.
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