The current price of IjasCoin (IJC) is $ 0.00000918.
IjasCoin (IJC) is a type of cryptocurrency. Like other digital currencies, it uses cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
The specific creator of IjasCoin is not specified within the provided data placeholders. Generally, cryptocurrencies are created to provide a new form of currency that is decentralized and enables direct, digital transactions between parties.
While specific details about what makes IjasCoin different are not provided, each cryptocurrency tends to have unique aspects, whether it's related to its underlying technology, community, use case, or economic model.
The circulating supply of IjasCoin is currently .
IjasCoin's price has increased by +0.00% in the past 24 hours.
IjasCoin can be purchased on the following exchanges: Bibox, Hotbit.
Secure storage of IjasCoin would involve the use of a digital wallet, preferably one that allows you full control over your private keys. It's crucial to keep your private keys safe and backed up in a secure location.
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