The current price of HumanCoin (HMNC) is $ 0.48217500. This price is constantly changing due to market conditions, supply and demand factors amongst other reasons.
HumanCoin (HMNC) is a cryptocurrency, a type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Like other cryptocurrencies, HumanCoin exists on a technology called blockchain. Exact details of its work may vary, but one feature universal to all cryptocurrencies is a decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems.
The information regarding the creator(s) of HumanCoin is not specified in our database. However, like most cryptocurrencies, it can be inferred that the motivation behind creating the HumanCoin was likely to introduce a decentralized currency that could operate independent of traditional financial systems.
Without specific details, it's difficult to define what sets HumanCoin apart from other cryptocurrencies. However, it's likely that it holds unique propositions and features, reflecting the diversity among cryptocurrencies. The specifics can be found in their respective whitepapers.
If HumanCoin operates on a Proof-of-Work model like many other cryptocurrencies, then HumanCoin mining is a process where transactions for this currency are secured and verified on the blockchain. In the absence of specific data on HumanCoin mining, it's hard to determine its exact effect on the network.
Halving is an event where the reward for mining new blocks is halved, meaning miners receive 50% fewer cryptocurrencies for verifying transactions. It's uncertain whether HumanCoin has a halving process, but if it does, it would potentially affect the market by reducing the rate at which new coins are created, potentially causing increased demand or price volatility.
As a cryptocurrency, it's likely that HumanCoin implements standard security measures like cryptographic encryption and consensus algorithms. However, the exact security measures may vary depending on the specific design of the HumanCoin network.
The current circulating supply of HumanCoin is . It's notable that the total supply of HumanCoin is 46.0M, which means there are a finite number of coins.
In the past 24 hours, the price of HumanCoin has increased by +0.00%. It’s important to note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change quickly.
HumanCoin (HMNC) can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: . It’s crucial to use trusted and reliable exchanges for all cryptocurrency transactions.
HumanCoin can be securely stored in a cryptocurrency wallet that supports its blockchain. The type of wallet could range from hardware wallets or software wallets depending on the user's preferences and security needs.
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