DigiCol (DGCL) is currently traded at a price of $ 0.00004768.
DigiCol (DGCL) is a cryptocurrency that facilitates easy creation, buying, and selling of digital collectibles with the use of blockchain technology. Leveraging blockchain's immutability and transparency features, DGCL enhances the transparency and traceability of digital collectible transactions.
DigiCol was created by a team of developers passionate about blockchain technology and the potential for digital collectibles. Their motivation was to create a platform that would make digital collectible creation and trading easy, transparent, and accessible for everyone.
One primary factor that makes DigiCol stand out is its focus on digital collectibles. While most cryptocurrencies function as digital money, DigiCol is designed as a digital goods marketplace where users can create, trade, and collect digital items.
The current circulating supply of DigiCol (DGCL) is 129.8M. The total supply is 165.0M.
In the past 24 hours, the price of DigiCol (DGCL) has increased by +0.00%.
You can purchase DigiCol (DGGL) safely at any one of the where it is currently being traded.
To securely store your DigiCol (DGCL), it is recommended to use a wallet that provides the highest level of security. These could be hardware wallets, offline wallets, or other secure digital wallets that support DigiCol. Always ensure the safety of your private keys, as they are the only access to your tokens.
Please note that while this description aims to provide extensive information about DigiCol, always perform your research before participating in any crypto-related activities.
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