The current price of DefHold (DEFO) is $ 31.82.
DefHold (DEFO) is a non-inflationary cryptocurrency designed to help investors hold their funds without fear of market volatility. By offering a variety of staking pools, DEFO gives holders the chance to earn rewards simply for holding their tokens. DEFO operates on blockchain technology, ensuring all transactions are secure, transparent, and immutable.
DefHold currently stands at a market cap rank of #2729 with a market cap of $ 0.2M.
In the last 24 hours, DefHold's price has increased by +0.00%. It's valuable to keep a close eye on market trends for timely investments and trading decisions.
The circulating supply of DefHold (DEFO) is 7.7K. Meanwhile, the total supply of DEFO is capped at 12.0K, making it a deflationary token, as no additional DEFO will be produced in the future.
You can buy DefHold (DEFO) safely and securely at any of the . Always ensure that you use reputable platforms to protect your investment.
DefHold, like other cryptocurrencies, can be stored securely in a variety of wallets that support its blockchain. These wallets can be digital (like a software wallet in a computer or smartphone), hardware-based (like USB-style wallets), or even paper wallets where the public and private keys are printed for safekeeping. Always keep your private keys confidential to ensure the security of your DefHold tokens.
The 24-hour trading volume of DefHold is 20.6K, reflecting its availability and liquidity in the cryptocurrency market.
Remember that while DefHold offers potential for rewards, like all cryptocurrencies, it also comes with risks. Always do thorough research and consider your financial situation carefully before engaging in cryptocurrency trading.
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