Today, the price of DARK (D4RK) stands at $ 0.12008000, having increased by +0.00% over the past 24 hours. Please note that in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, prices can fluctuate rapidly. Be sure to check our website for the most recent updates.
DARK (D4RK), otherwise known as DarkPayCoin, is a cryptocurrency that focuses primarily on privacy. The coin utilizes the most advanced technological features and is iteratively improved to maintain its robust privacy-centric nature. It operates on a Masternode/Proof of Stake (MN/PoS) system, which helps secure the blockchain network, verify transactions, and, unique to DARK, enhances transaction anonymity.
The creators of DARK (D4RK) have not made their identities public. This is not unusual in the privacy-focused crypto world where the emphasis is often on the technology and privacy protection, rather than the team behind it. For the latest information about the project, you can visit their official website at
DARK employs a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, a common alternative to the energy-intensive Proof of Work mechanism used by Bitcoin. In this system, holders of DARK (D4RK) coins can stake their coins in the network, acting as validators for new transactions and creating new blocks.
DARK enhances this PoS system with Masternodes, which are servers that contain a copy of the entire DARK blockchain. Users who stake a certain amount of DARK can operate a Masternode, lending even further security and robustness to the network.
One key characteristic of DARK is its emphasis on privacy. Transactions made using DARK are designed to be untraceable, offering users a high degree of anonymity.
DARK (D4RK) offers a number of unique features owing much to its privacy focus and Masternode/Proof of Stake model.
Privacy-Centric: DARK transactions are designed to be untraceable, providing users with genuine privacy when transacting.
Masternodes: DARK employs a robust network of Masternodes, which enhances network stability, transaction speed, and privacy.
Proof of Stake: Unlike energy-intensive Proof of Work cryptocurrencies, DARK uses a Proof of Stake model, which relies on users staking their coins for network validation practices.
As of today, DARK (D4RK) is ranked #1929 in the global marketplace, boasting a market capitalization of $ 1.0M.
As of today, there are 8.2M DARK (D4RK) coins in circulation.
DARK (D4RK) can be purchased on several crypto exchanges. The complete list of exchanges can be found on our website, but please note, we only list the exchanges where DARK is currently available and do not endorse any specific platform.
To keep your DARK (D4RK) coins safe, ensure to store them in a secure wallet, preferably a hardware wallet which is less susceptible to hacking than an online wallet. Furthermore, avoid sharing sensitive information, beware of phishing attempts and keep your private keys private. As always, remember that security in the world of cryptocurrencies primarily lies with the individual user.
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