Rank #5042

$ 0.00099284

DAEX Price (DAX)

DAEX to USD Price Chart

What is the current price of DAEX (DAX)?

As of the current data, the price of DAEX's native token, DAX, is $ 0.00099284. Please note that this price fluctuates constantly due to market conditions and may have changed by the time you read this.

What is DAEX (DAX)?

DAEX, abbreviated from "Digital Assets Exchange", is a distributed digital asset clearing ecosystem designed to facilitate improved efficiency, security, and transparency for cryptocurrency trading exchanges. It stands as a bridge between centralized exchanges and the advantages of decentralized operations, primarily through its smart contract based clearing solution. The DAEX ecosystem is powered by the DAX token.

Who is behind the development of DAEX?

The team behind DAEX is comprised of experts from various fields including blockchain, financial services, and traditional exchanges. The project's website doesn't list specific individuals behind its development, but it does emphasize a strong focus on technology and innovation in its operations.

How does DAEX work?

DAEX operates by leveraging distributed ledger technology to offer clearing services. The platform's clearing and settlement rules are encoded into smart contracts, which are then deployed onto DAEX's proprietary clearing chain. The clearing process is fully automated, eliminating human interference that may potentially lead to errors or biases.

All transactions are validated through a consensus mechanism, ensuring the objectivity and fairness of the clearing process. Importantly, customer's digital assets are stored directly on the DAEX clearing chain, with the promise that no other institutions or individuals can directly access these assets without explicit owner permission.

What makes DAEX unique?

DAEX differentiates itself by maximizing the strengths of both centralized and decentralized systems. It retains the liquidity and trading speed offered by centralized exchanges, while incorporating the security and transparency inherent to a decentralized, blockchain-based system.

By automating the clearing process through smart contracts and a dedicated clearing blockchain, DAEX also eliminates potential errors and biases that may occur with manual clearing. This greatly enhances both efficiency and trustworthiness in asset clearing.

How is DAEX's network security ensured?

Security is a cornerstone of DAEX's design, especially given its role in handling and storing digital assets. By leveraging blockchain technology, DAEX ensures that the data recorded on it is transparent, immutable, and resistant to censorship.

Moreover, DAEX utilises a consensus mechanism to validate and verify every transaction, further guaranteeing the security and integrity of data. As for customer assets, these are stored in a decentralized manner; this ensures that private keys are never centrally stored or vulnerable to a single point of failure.

How much DAX is there in circulation?

As of the most recent data, the circulating supply of DAX — DAEX's native cryptocurrency is 354.7M. The total supply is currently 2.0B. The exact numbers may have slightly changed at the time you read this due to the dynamic nature of the market.

Where can you buy DAX?

The DAX token can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges; however, the exact exchanges where DAX is available will vary depending on market dynamics. Current exchanges include LBank, Indodax. Always make sure to use trusted platforms for all your transactions.

How is DAEX's technology updated?

Given the technical and innovative nature of the DAEX project, it's safe to assume that regular updates and improvements would be part of their operation. However, exact details about their update process are not provided on the official website. It would be best to follow their official communications or join their community to receive the latest updates and developments.

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