The current price of Alium Swap (ALM) is $ 0.03382396.
Alium Swap (ALM) is a cryptocurrency token. As a token in the wider cryptocurrency market, it functions as a unit of exchange on its particular blockchain platform. This platform can support smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) which can be fueled by Alium Swap.
The current circulating supply of Alium Swap (ALM) is .
The price of Alium Swap (ALM) has increased by +9.47% within the last 24 hours.
The total supply of Alium Swap (ALM) is .
The market capitalization of Alium Swap (ALM) is $ which places it at #1 in the ranking of all cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
The trading volume of Alium Swap (ALM) over the last 24 hours is 750.0.
You can purchase Alium Swap (ALM) on currently listed exchanges - 'insert--here'. This information is updated regularly and it is recommended to verify it on the cryptocurrency tracking website.
To securely store your Alium Swap (ALM), it is advised to use a secure wallet that supports the specific blockchain of ALM. Make sure to keep private keys in a safe place and follow best practices such as not sharing sensitive details, using strong passwords, and enabling two-factor authentication.
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