The current price of 3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) is $ 0.00000001.
3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) is a specialized type of cryptocurrency that allows investors to leverage their trades by three times in the opposite direction to the price of the Sushi token. Essentially, if the price of Sushi decreases, the price of SUSHIBEAR increases, and vice versa.
The creator of 3X Short Sushi has not been disclosed by the available data. However, the motivation behind creating such leveraged tokens is to provide sophisticated traders with the tools necessary to maximize potential profits from extreme market movements, particularly in the rapidly fluctuating cryptocurrency markets.
Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, 3X Short Sushi is a leveraged token that inversely tracks the performance of the Sushi token at a multiplication of three. This function allows traders to benefit from declines in the Sushi token price without needing to hold the underlying asset or engage in risky margin trading.
The price of 3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) has recently increased by +0.00%.
3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) can be safely bought on the following exchanges: .
The market cap of 3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) is currently $ , ranking it as number #1 in terms of total market capitalization. The 24-hour trading volume is 0.2.
The current circulating supply of 3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) is , out of a total supply of .
Your 3X Short Sushi (SUSHIBEAR) can be securely stored in any compatible cryptocurrency wallet that supports leveraged tokens. As with all investments, it is recommended to implement strong security measures, such as using hardware wallets and enabling two-factor authentication, to safeguard your assets against potential threats.
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