The current price of ZUZ Protocol (ZUZ) stands at $ 0.04167131.
ZUZ Protocol (ZUZ) is a notable cryptocurrency. Specific operations of ZUZ Protocol (ZUZ) are not detailed, but like other cryptocurrencies, it leverages blockchain technology for secure, peer-to-peer transactions that are confirmed by a decentralized network of nodes.
ZUZ Protocol's unique properties and functionality set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. Specific differentiation factors are reliant on information that's yet to be provided. However, like all cryptocurrencies, ZUZ Protocol operates on the principles of decentralization, security, and transparency, offering digitally scarce tokens that can be sent and received globally.
Currently, there are of ZUZ Protocol tokens in circulation.
In the last 24 hours, ZUZ Protocol's price has increased by +0.00%.
ZUZ Protocol (ZUZ) can be purchased on any of the following . Please ensure to use trusted platforms and practice safe trading measures.
Storing ZUZ Protocol securely typically involves using hardware wallets that store private keys offline or trusted digital wallets with robust security measures. It's critical to keep wallet keys private and use wallets supported by the ZUZ Protocol.
ZUZ Protocol currently holds the #1 position in the cryptocurrency market, with a market cap of $ .
The trading volume of ZUZ Protocol in the last 24 hours is approximately .
The total supply of ZUZ Protocol tokens that will ever exist is 1.6M.
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