Zenfuse ZEFU

Rank #3412

$ 0.00493944

Zenfuse Price (ZEFU)

Zenfuse to USD Price Chart

What Is the Current Price of Zenfuse (ZEFU) Today?

The current price of Zenfuse (ZEFU) today is $ 0.00493944.

What Is Zenfuse (ZEFU) and How Does It Work?

Zenfuse (ZEFU) is a cryptocurrency that operates on its own blockchain. It is designed to be used as a universal tool for cryptocurrency trading, aiming to reduce the number of disparate platforms traders need to handle their portfolio. By consolidating these tools, Zenfuse aims to streamline the trading experience, providing increased functionality and quicker response to market changes.

Who Created Zenfuse and What Was Their Motivation?

Zenfuse was created by a team of cryptocurrency enthusiasts whose motivation was to solve the fragmentation of trading platforms and bring an optimized solution to the market. As a result, Zenfuse was designed to deliver an all-in-one trading experience.

What Makes Zenfuse Different from Other Cryptocurrencies?

What sets Zenfuse apart from other cryptocurrencies is its concentrated emphasis on optimizing the trading experience. Traditional cryptocurrencies simply operate as a medium of exchange, while Zenfuse endeavors to revolutionize the way trades are made by delivering a streamlined, comprehensive trading platform.

What Is Zenfuse's Market Cap and How Does It Affect the Network?

Zenfuse's market cap is $ 0.3M, which makes it the #3413 most valuable cryptocurrency in circulation. The market cap indicates the overall value of all Zenfuse tokens in existence and its position in the market provides a snapshot of the project's scale and success.

How Many Zenfuse (ZEFU) Tokens Are Currently in Circulation?

There are currently 62.3M Zenfuse (ZEFU) tokens in circulation. There will be a total supply of 200.0M.

How Has Zenfuse's Price Changed Recently?

In the last 24 hours, Zenfuse's price has increased by +0.00%.

Where Is the Best Place to Buy Zenfuse (ZEFU) Safely?

You can purchase Zenfuse (ZEFU) safely at any of the following trading platforms: Bibox. Remember to ensure you're buying from a reputable exchange and always practice good digital asset security.

How Can I Securely Store My Zenfuse?

Zenfuse can be securely stored in any wallet that supports its blockchain. Hardware wallets, which store your private keys offline, offer the highest level of security. However, software wallets on your computer, smartphone, or the web can also be fit for storing Zenfuse, depending on your needs in terms of convenience and security.

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