The current price of Zeedex (ZDEX) currently stands at $ 0.00820518. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and may change rapidly.
Zeedex (ZDEX) is a form of digital currency, like Bitcoin or Ethereum. As a cryptocurrency, it operates on blockchain technology, with transactions recorded on a decentralized ledger. Details about Zeedex's specific features or functionality are identified based on its operations on the blockchain.
Without specifics on Zeedex's features, it's hard to pinpoint what makes it distinct from other cryptocurrencies. However, every cryptocurrency is unique in its way, including aspects such as its blockchain structure, consensus mechanism, tokenomics, and implemented technology.
The circulating supply of Zeedex (ZDEX) currently stands at 6.6M. It's important to note that this value does not necessarily represent the entirety of the tokens minted, as some may be locked, reserved, or not yet released.
Zeedex (ZDEX) has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours. This change is purely based on market activities and can fluctuate due to a variety of factors, including market demand and overall sentiment within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
You can acquire Zeedex (ZDEX) on the following Probit. Please make sure to transact on trusted platforms and take necessary security measures to ensure the secure purchase and storage of your tokens.
Just like other cryptocurrencies, you can keep your Zeedex (ZDEX) securely in a digital wallet. Different options are available, including hardware wallets, software wallets, and custodial services provided by some exchanges. It is crucial to use secure, well-reviewed platforms and maintain strong individual security practices, like using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.
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