Yuan Chain Coin YCC

Rank #1923

$ 0.00069692

Yuan Chain Coin Price (YCC)

Yuan Chain Coin to USD Price Chart

What is today's price of Yuan Chain Coin (YCC)?

As of today, the price of Yuan Chain Coin (YCC) is $ 0.00069692. In the last 24 hours, the price has increased by +0.00%%. Please be aware that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change rapidly.

Can you tell me more about Yuan Chain Coin?

Sure! Yuan Chain Coin (YCC) is an integral part of the Yuan Chain platform. The platform is notable for its fusion of various innovative technologies. It incorporates elements of Hot Replacement Smart Contract and inter-blockchain technology, creating a new blockchain network architecture. Significantly, the Yuan Chain platform manages to maintain the decentralized nature of public blockchain while also capable of offering the high performance and privacy typically associated with permissioned blockchains.

Who created Yuan Chain Coin (YCC)?

While the specific individuals behind the creation of Yuan Chain Coin are not named on the platform's official website, the coin was launched by the team behind the Yuan Chain platform. They are a group of technologically-driven professionals who are dedicated to developing cutting-edge blockchain solutions.

How does Yuan Chain Coin (YCC) work?

Yuan Chain Coin operates within the Yuan Chain platform. It applies both Hot Replacement Smart Contract and inter-blockchain technology. Hot Replacement Smart Contract allows for seamless upgrades and modifications to existing smart contracts without disrupting the network. Meanwhile, inter-blockchain technology enables the Yuan Chain platform to integrate and interact with multiple blockchain networks.

What sets Yuan Chain Coin apart from other cryptocurrencies?

Yuan Chain Coin's unique selling point is its amalgamation of decentralized public blockchain attributes with the high-performance capabilities of permissioned blockchains. Additionally, the hot replacement capability of its smart contracts provides unmatched flexibility. Through its inter-blockchain technology, it also allows for the bridging of disparate blockchain networks, fostering greater connection and interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem.

What's the supply details of Yuan Chain Coin?

As of now, the circulating supply of Yuan Chain Coin (YCC) is 5.0B. The total supply of YCC is 10.0B. Keep in mind that these figures can change, as they depend on many factors including mining activity and the protocols set out by the coin's developers.

How secure is Yuan Chain Coin?

The Yuan Chain platform implements a robust security framework to protect its operations and Yuan Chain Coin transactions. Its blend of public and permissioned blockchain structures provides a balance between transparency and privacy, enhancing security. Yet, it's crucial to note that while the platform takes measures to ensure security, users also bear personal responsibility for ensuring their YCC holdings are protected.

Where can I buy Yuan Chain Coin (YCC)?

You can purchase Yuan Chain Coin (YCC) on the Hotbit, Huobi, Huobi.pro, HitBTC. As with all cryptocurrency transactions, it is vital to make sure you are using a reputable and secure exchange. Also, you must take necessary steps to ensure the security of your funds by using hardware wallets or other secure cryptocurrency storage methods.

How do I store my Yuan Chain Coin safely?

Once you have bought YCC, you would want to transfer them to a secure wallet. Cryptocurrency wallets can be physically, like hardware (external devices) wallets, or virtual, like software (desktop or mobile) wallets. Always remember to back up your wallet and enable any available security features such as two-factor authentication. Keep in mind that while hardware wallets can be more secure, all forms of storage come with risks, and appropriate safety measures should always be taken.

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