The current price of Wrapped BIND (WBIND) today is $ 0.00079197.
Wrapped BIND is a particular type of cryptocurrency known as a wrapped token. It represents BIND tokens on another blockchain, combining the value and utility of BIND with the flexibility and extensive infrastructure support of the host blockchain. Essentially, it's a tokenized version of another cryptocurrency.
The primary differentiator of Wrapped BIND from other cryptocurrencies is its characteristic as a wrapped token. Unlike typical cryptocurrencies, it directly pegs to the value of the BIND cryptocurrency, which allows for seamless integration into the host blockchain's ecosystem.
The circulating supply of Wrapped BIND tokens at the moment is .
In the last 24 hours, the price of Wrapped BIND has increased by +0.00%.
The market capitalization of Wrapped BIND is currently $ , making it the #1 most valuable cryptocurrency.
The total supply of Wrapped BIND tokens is 20.2M.
The best place to purchase Wrapped BIND tokens safely would be on any of the trusted that currently list it.
Wrapped BIND has seen 46.0 traded in the past 24 hours.
You can securely store your Wrapped BIND in any wallet that supports the host blockchain's token standard. Prioritize wallets that are secure, have a good reputation, and offer control over your private keys.
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