The current price of Transcodium (TNS) is about $ 0.00022012. The price has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours, reflecting the volatility and possible short-term shifts in the market sentiment.
Transcodium (TNS) is a unique cryptocurrency project. It aims to provide the first peer-to-peer decentralized file editing, transcoding, and distribution platform. The overarching goal of Transcodium is to make high-quality, reliable computational power available at an affordable price.
Transcodium operates via a P2P network. Users can lend their idle computing resources to other users in need of them for file editing, transcoding & distribution. When the task is completed, the provider of the computational power (the worker) is rewarded with TNS tokens. This process forms a market where individuals can rent out their idle machines as workers.
Transcodium is designed to solve a prevalent problem in the media industry. This is the cost, inefficiency, and centralization associated with transcoding, editing, and distributing files. Through its innovative, decentralized platform, Transcodium manages to offer these vital services at a very affordable rate. Moreover, the rewards in TNS tokens provide an incentive for participants to keep contributing to the network.
TNS tokens are the utility tokens native to the Transcodium platform. They serve as the means of exchange within the Transcodium network. The rewards for contributing computational power to the network are also distributed in TNS tokens.
The total supply of Transcodium (TNS) is around 88.6M.
There is currently around 78.6M Transcodium (TNS) in circulation.
Transcodium is built to be a secure platform. It incorporates decentralization, which means there is no one central point for potential cyber threats to target. Also, transactions are transparent and irreversible, adding another layer of security.
Moreover, Transcodium does not store any funds within its system, thus avoiding the risk of losing users' assets. However, as with any blockchain-based platform, users should maintain good habits for securing their wallets and assets.
Transcodium (TNS) is available for purchase on several cryptocurrency exchanges that are listed on our website. However, the availability of TNS can vary depending on the regulations in your region.
The primary way to earn is by renting out your idle computing resources to the Transcodium platform for use in tasks like file editing and transcoding. When these tasks are completed, you get rewarded with TNS tokens.
Besides being used to pay for computational power, TNS is also the currency for rewarding network participants. This ensures a balanced ecosystem where everybody gets rewarded for their contributions.
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