The current price of KennelSphere (KENNEL) is $ 0.01816459.
KennelSphere is a cryptocurrency represented by the symbol KENNEL. Like other cryptocurrencies, KennelSphere operates on a decentralized network that allows peer-to-peer transactions. These transactions are secured on the blockchain, a public ledger containing all transaction data from anyone using the KennelSphere network.
KennelSphere's current market capitalization is $ 0.1M, and it ranks #3109 in terms of market capitalization among all cryptocurrencies.
In the last 24 hours, the price of KennelSphere has increased by +0.00%%.
The 24-hour trading volume of KennelSphere is 7.8.
The circulating supply of KennelSphere is 6.0M, while the total supply is 15.0M.
KennelSphere (KENNEL) can be bought on several exchanges, with the list of these available on our site.
To securely store your KennelSphere, it's recommended to use a hardware wallet that provides an added layer of security compared to traditional online wallets. Look for wallets that support the KennelSphere token and remember to constantly update the wallet's software to ensure maximum security.
Please note that while we provide information to help you make an informed decision, it's always important to do your own research when dealing with cryptocurrencies and their storage methods.
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