The current price of SubGame (SGB) is $ 0.01285473.
SubGame is a cryptocurrency that enables direct transactions over the internet. Like other cryptocurrencies, SGB operates on blockchain technology. This enables a decentralized, transparent ledger of transactions that is independently verified by nodes on the network.
The creators of SubGame are currently unknown. However, like many others in the cryptocurrency space, it is likely that their motivation was to provide a decentralized means of exchanging value, free from manipulation by centralized bodies like banks and governments.
The specific features that differentiate SubGame from other cryptocurrencies are not provided. However, all cryptocurrencies offer unique value propositions, whether it's speed, security, versatility, or community support, with the goal of solving specific real-world problems.
In many cryptocurrencies, including SubGame, mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the blockchain. It involves solving complex mathematical puzzles, and the first miner to solve the puzzle gets to add a new block to the blockchain and receive a reward, often in the form of the cryptocurrency itself. Mining plays a vital role as it helps maintain the security and integrity of the blockchain.
There is no available information on whether a halving event — where the reward for mining a block is cut in half — happens in SubGame. For other cryptocurrencies, the halving can impact their market by reducing the rate at which new tokens are generated, affecting supply and potentially triggering price changes.
Cryptocurrencies like SubGame employ various security measures. The primary one being the use of cryptographic algorithms which are nearly impossible to break. Besides, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology itself ensures that no single point of failure exists, making it resilient to attacks.
There are currently SubGame (SGB) tokens in circulation.
SubGame's price has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours.
SubGame can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: Hotbit, LBank, BigONE.
You can securely store your SubGame in a digital wallet. Many cryptocurrencies recommend using hardware wallets for greater security, as they allow you to keep your private keys offline and out of reach from hackers.
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