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SpaceChain (ERC-20) SPC

Rank #1204

$ 0.04854656 +2.21%

SpaceChain (ERC-20) Price (SPC)

SpaceChain (ERC-20) to USD Price Chart

SpaceChain (ERC-20) Statistics

Market Rank #1204
Market Cap $ 19.7M
Volume 24h $ 2.4K
Circ. Supply 406.3M
Total Supply 603.6M
Max Supply ?

What is the current price of SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC)?

The price of SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) is $ 0.04854656. In the past 24 hours, the price has increased by +2.21%.

What Is SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC)?

SpaceChain (ERC-20), also known as SPC, is an innovative blockchain platform that seeks to incorporate space technology into the distributed ledger concept. The project's unique approach involves deploying blockchain nodes on satellites, which adds a new dimension to the already vast potential of blockchain technologies. By utilizing the advantages of space resources and technologies, SpaceChain aims to offer data collection, computation, applications, and storage services in space. The deployment of satellites as nodes facilitates on-satellite data processing and secure in-space data storage.

Who created SpaceChain (ERC-20)?

SpaceChain was founded by a team passionate about leveraging the potential of space technologies to enhance blockchain functionality. While specific founders' details are not provided, it's clear that the team is comprised of experts in both the space and blockchain industries, working together to pioneer this unique integration.

How does SpaceChain (ERC-20) work?

SpaceChain (ERC-20) operates through a network of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, which act as nodes for the blockchain. This creates a broader coverage area, allowing the platform to reach anywhere on Earth. Data processed on these satellites is more secure due to the utilization of cryptographic technologies, including quantum communications. The project claims that this setup ensures that anyone and anything can be a user of blockchain technology, regardless of their location.

What makes SpaceChain (ERC-20) unique?

The unique aspect of SpaceChain (ERC-20) is its use of satellites to host blockchain nodes. By doing so, it reduces reliance on ground-based infrastructure, which can be susceptible to various risks such as physical damage, power outages, and centralized control issues. The spatial nature of the network ensures a decentralized and broadly accessible blockchain, which is a significant step forward in making blockchain technology truly global and resilient.

How does SpaceChain (ERC-20) utilize space resources and technology?

SpaceChain (ERC-20) leverages space resources by deploying advanced satellites equipped to handle the rigors of space. These satellites contain the necessary hardware to perform blockchain-related tasks such as data processing and storage. Additionally, SpaceChain (ERC-20) uses quantum communication technologies to secure data, which is crucial for in-space operations and could potentially provide heightened security measures against quantum computing threats.

How much SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) is in circulation?

The circulating supply of SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) is 406.3M. The total supply information is not provided, but typically, the total supply would reflect the maximum number of tokens that will ever be created within the network.

What is the market cap and ranking of SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC)?

SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) holds the market cap rank of #1205 with a market capitalization of $ 19.7M.

Where can you buy SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC)?

You can purchase SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) tokens on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The specific exchanges offering SPC tokens are Bittrex, Idax, Probit. Always ensure you are using a reputable exchange and take precautions to secure your assets.

How to keep your SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) safe?

Keeping your SpaceChain (ERC-20) (SPC) tokens safe involves some basic but crucial steps, such as: 1. Storing your tokens in a reputable and secure wallet, whether it’s a software wallet for convenience or a hardware wallet for enhanced security. 2. Never sharing your private keys or seed phrases with anyone. 3. Being cautious of phishing scams and suspicious links. 4. Keeping your wallet software up to date with the latest security patches. 5. Using strong and unique passwords for wallets and exchange accounts.

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