The current price of Semi (SEMI) on the market today is $ 0.00020020.
Semi (SEMI) is a cryptocurrency that operates on top of blockchain technology. The specifics of its operation are designed by the issuers and serve a variety of purposes, including as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value. The exact mechanics behind SEMI tend to be intricate and vary from coin to coin, focusing on different operations and utilities.
The information about the creator of Semi (SEMI) or their specific motivation behind its creation is not provided within the given placeholders, but what is clear is that SEMI, like other digital currencies, was created to participate in the online financial market and provide novel solutions to various electronic transactions.
Without specific details pertaining to Semi (SEMI), it's hard to enumerate what makes it different from other cryptocurrencies. However, given that it exists, it must bear unique characteristics or applications that distinguish it from a diverse range of cryptocurrencies available in the market today.
Currently, there are 181.3M SEMI coins in circulation.
In the last 24 hours, the price of Semi has increased by +0.00%.
There are various places to buy SEMI including the following exchanges: DigiFinex. It's best to stick to well-known and reputable exchanges to ensure the safety of your transactions.
Your Semi coins can be securely stored in a digital wallet that supports this type of cryptocurrency. Each wallet has differing levels of security, so you should choose one that best fits your needs. Wallet security measures may include encryption, two-factor authentication, and other forms of advanced security procedures.
Semi's market capitalization, which represents the total value of all circulating SEMI coins, is currently at $ 36.3K. This ranks it at number #3457 in the list of all cryptocurrencies by market cap.
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