The current price of SeedSwap (SNFT) is $ 0.02109897.
SeedSwap (SNFT) is a digital cryptocurrency used for transactions over the internet. Just like other cryptocurrencies, it uses blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and security of transactions. The number of SeedSwap coins in circulation is out of a total supply of 100.0M.
SeedSwap (SNFT) carries a market capitalization of $ , ranking it at number #1 in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Over the last 24 hours, SeedSwap's (SNFT) price has increased by +0.00%. This fluctuation reflects the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market.
SeedSwap (SNFT) can be purchased safely on the following exchanges: . As with any cryptocurrency transaction, it's imperative to use secure and reputable platforms.
Secure storage of SeedSwap (SNFT) requires the use of a digital wallet. Wallets can be software-based (on your computer or mobile device) or hardware-based (physical devices that store cryptocurrencies offline). Always remember to use wallets from recognized providers and keep your private keys private.
In the last 24 hours, 54.4 worth of SeedSwap (SNFT) has been traded across all exchanges. This shows the current level of interest and activity for this cryptocurrency.
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