The current price of Ascension (ASN) is $ 0.00053648, with a +0.00% change over the last 24 hours. Its trading volume in the past 24 hours was 0.0.
Ascension (ASN) is a digital cryptocurrency. Originally, it was not formed by an official founding team. Instead, it was a community takeover of the coin. The community that manages it now focuses on encouraging active participation and fostering decentralization. Due to its unique formation, the coin represents a unique proposition in the crypto market.
After the community takeover of Ascension, it has been maintained and improved by a collection of dedicated individuals from the community. They continue to lead development efforts and work towards its growth, emphasizing openness, transparency and decentralization.
As a cryptocurrency, Ascension (ASN) is similar to other digital coins. It relies on blockchain technology for secure transactions and record keeping. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public ledger.
What's different about Ascension is its unique formation - rather than being started by a founder or a company, it was taken over by a community of crypto enthusiasts who now maintain and develop its technology.
Ascension (ASN) stands out due to its community-driven approach. While many cryptocurrencies are started by individual founders or companies, Ascension was taken over by a community of users who now manage its development and growth. This community focus could lead to a more democratic and transparent experience for users.
The current market cap rank of Ascension (ASN) is #1 with a current market cap of $ . The circulating supply is , and the total supply is 25.0M.
Ascension (ASN) can be purchased on YoBit, CoinExchange. This list of exchanges is regularly updated to reflect where Ascension is currently available for trading.
Keeping your Ascension (ASN) safe involves following good security practices common in the cryptocurrency world. This includes using secure wallets, regularly updating software and hardware, and never sharing private keys or passwords. Always take careful steps to ensure your cryptocurrency is stored securely.
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