The price of sADA, a synthetic asset that tracks the value of Cardano (ADA), is currently $ 0.46340100. It has increased by +0.00% in the last 24 hours. It's important to note that being a synthetic asset, the price of sADA aims to mirror the price fluctuations of ADA according to the data provided by an oracle.
sADA is a synthetic representation of Cardano (ADA), offered by the Synthetix platform. In the cryptocurrency world, "synthetic" refers to a type of derivative that mimics the value of another asset. In this case, sADA's value is pegged to the live price of ADA, which is provided by reliable price feeds, ensuring the tracking is as accurate as possible.
sADA is a product of Synthetix, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform known for creating synthetic assets. Synthetix allows users to mint, trade, and hold synthetic assets that represent both real-world assets and other cryptocurrencies. The creators of sADA are effectively the Synthetix team who have extended their range of synths to include sADA, tracking the performance of Cardano's ADA.
sADA operates within the Synthetix ecosystem. It works by employing smart contracts to create a synthetic version of ADA. This is achieved through price oracles, which are services that provide real-time data on ADA's price. Synthetix's smart contracts use this data to ensure that the price of sADA reflects that of ADA. Users can mint sADA by staking the native token of the Synthetix platform, SNX, as collateral.
The unique aspect of sADA is that it offers exposure to ADA's price movements without the need to hold the actual Cardano tokens. This can be particularly appealing for traders looking for ease of trading and for those in regions where purchasing the underlying asset might be difficult. Moreover, sADA can be used within the Synthetix ecosystem for various DeFi applications, broadening its use cases beyond mere price speculation.
The price of sADA is determined by the price of Cardano (ADA) as reported by oracles. These oracles are trusted data sources that feed the Synthetix platform with live market prices, ensuring that sADA's value is as close to ADA's real market value as possible.
sADA relies on an oracle system provided by Chainlink, a leading oracle service provider in the DeFi space. Chainlink's oracles are designed to be highly reliable and tamper-proof, providing accurate, real-time data for cryptocurrencies like ADA. This is integral to ensuring that sADA consistently tracks ADA's market price correctly.
The circulating supply of sADA is dynamic, as it depends on the amount minted and burned, which in turn is influenced by the use of SNX collateral within the Synthetix ecosystem. The current circulating supply is 0.2M, but remember, this figure is always changing in response to market conditions and user activity.
sADA can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges that support the Synthetix range of synthetic assets. Some exchanges where you can find sADA include . By trading on these platforms, you can gain exposure to ADA's price movements through sADA without holding the actual ADA tokens.
sADA is an integral part of the Synthetix ecosystem, contributing to its diversity of synthetic assets. It enhances the utility of the platform by providing an additional option for trading and exposure to external assets. sADA thus helps maintain the liquidity and vibrancy of the Synthetix marketplace, facilitating the system's overall goal of creating a frictionless access point to various asset classes.
Remember, sADA, just like any other cryptocurrency asset, is subject to market risk. While it can offer ease of trading and expose to ADA's price movements, it is essential to conduct thorough research and consider the risks involved in trading synthetic assets.
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