Market Rank | ? |
Market Cap | ? |
Volume 24h | $ 117.9 |
Circ. Supply | ? |
Total Supply | 5.2M |
Max Supply | ? |
As of the most recent update, the price of Rotharium (RTH) is currently $ 1.79. This price constantly changes as it's influenced by market demands, policy changes, technological advancements, and much more. Stay updated with our website for the most accurate and up-to-the-minute prices.
Rotharium (RTH) is a cryptocurrency that aims to bridge the gap between standard database solutions (including both cloud and on-premise systems) and blockchain technology. This unique fusion aims to make both worlds more accessible, with the ultimate goal of encouraging wider adoption of blockchain technology across various industries.
Rotharium's development team, as mentioned on their official website, is based primarily in the Europe. This team includes developers and technologists who are deeply rooted in the world of blockchain and web development. Their collective vision is what shapes the direction and growth of Rotharium.
Rotharium operates by integrating blockchain technology into standard cloud and on-premise database solutions. This is achieved through their user-friendly business-to-customer (B2C) apps. In essence, Rotharium serves as a link between conventional database platforms and the advanced world of blockchain, bringing the benefits of decentralization, security, and transparency to regular database systems.
Uniqueness of Rotharium lies in its applicability to everyday database systems. Instead of launching as a standalone blockchain platform, Rotharium integrates with existing technology to provide users with the best of both worlds. This fusion doesn't only benefit standard database users, but also enables blockchain enthusiasts to use their preferred technology in a wider range of applications.
The circulating supply of Rotharium is , while the total supply is 5.2M. The market cap of Rotharium is $ , placing it on the rank #1 in the list of cryptocurrencies by market cap.
The trading volume for Rotharium in the past 24 hours is 117.9. Trading volume gives you an insight into the level of activity and liquidity a cryptocurrency has. High trading volume can indicate a high interest in the cryptocurrency and could potentially lead to increased price volatility.
Rotharium (RTH) can be purchased on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges. Please refer to our exchange list to see where RTH is currently listed and available for trading. However, always ensure to use reputable exchanges, and never risk more than you can afford to lose.
The performance of a cryptocurrency is usually dictated by its daily trading volumes as well as changes in the wider market. Over the last 24 hours, the price of Rotharium has decreased by -3.70%%. Stay updated on our website for the most recent market performance of Rotharium.
Keeping your Rotharium safe involves safeguarding your private keys, using hardware wallets for large amounts, frequently updating your software, using two-factor authentication, and always double-checking the addresses while sending/receiving coins. Always be vigilant against phishing scams and do not disclose your keys or passwords to anyone.
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