The current price of OpenBiSea (OBS) is $ 27.94.
OpenBiSea (OBS) is a type of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Like other cryptocurrencies, the operation of OpenBiSea doesn't rely on a central bank or government. Transactions occur directly between users, with no intermediary, on a technology called blockchain which records all transactions across many computers.
In the last 24 hours, the price of OpenBiSea (OBS) has increased by +0.00%.
Currently, there are 1.8K OpenBiSea (OBS) coins in circulation.
The market capitalization of OpenBiSea (OBS) is $ 48.9K ranking it as #1 in terms of overall market cap among all cryptocurrencies.
The total supply of OpenBiSea (OBS) is 88.9K coins.
OpenBiSea (OBS) can be safely and securely purchased on the follow exchanges: .
To securely store your OpenBiSea (OBS), it is recommended to use a hardware wallet which provides the safest method to store cryptocurrencies offline. Always remember to keep your private keys private and use two-factor authentication options when available.
In the last 24 hours, the trading volume of OpenBiSea (OBS) was 925.5.
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