The current price of nYFI is $ 0.01712688 per coin.
nYFI is a legitimate digital currency that uses sophisticated cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units, similar to other cryptocurrencies. More specific details about the way nYFI operates would be provided on the official website of this cryptocurrency.
Each cryptocurrency, including nYFI, has unique attributes based on its blockchain technology, market performance, and community support. Exact differences would be best understood by analyzing nYFI's whitepaper or exploring its official website.
The currently circulating supply of nYFI is .
In the past 24 hours, nYFI's price has increased by +0.00%.
The most secure places to purchase nYFI are the established exchanges where it is currently listed. For an up-to-date list of these exchanges, see the section.
Securing your nYFI involves storing it in a wallet that you control, such as a hardware wallet, software wallet, or another type of crypto wallet. These wallets will allow you to keep and manage your private keys, which are needed to access and transact with your nYFI.
nYFI's market capitalization rank is #1 with a current market cap of $ .
The 24-hour trading volume of nYFI is approximately 10.2.
The total maximum supply of nYFI is 3.4M. This supply limit reflects the total amount of coins that can ever be created in the nYFI network.
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